Do you take pride in your appearance? Chances are the answer is a resounding 'yes'. And while there are many ways to help ensure you always look top-notch - from taking care of your body by committing to regular exercise to investing in a haircut - one of the key elements of making sure you always look the part involves the clothes you choose to wear and, consequently, how you take care of them.
High-street bargains are all well and good, but nothing can replace the quality (and emotional gratification) of a gorgeously crafted, superlative garment. Once you begin investing in these kinds of items, you want to make sure they get the love and care they deserve. But most importantly, you need to feel confident that paying a hefty price tag for these luxury pieces will pay off - and the best way to do this is to properly take care of them.
It goes without saying that you should always read the label on your clothing and when in doubt, hand it over to the dry cleaner to avoid the risk of ruining it. But here's one bit of advice you've probably not heard before: getting rid of those notoriously annoying creases with the help of an iron is actually not the best way to go about it. In fact, using an iron trebles the chances of you ruining the clothing.
What can you do to tackle the creases, while ensuring your expensive fabrics never get ruined?
Easy. You hire a steamer.
Here are three reasons steamers are superior to the traditional iron.
1. It's way gentler. There's virtually no way you can accidentally burn the garment because the steamer never has to actually touch it. Better yet, a steamer can be used on fabrics that are notoriously difficult to iron, including delicates like silk and cashmere.
2. It's also a lot quicker. Not only are steamers lightweight, they also do the job in a fraction of the time than that of an iron. A garment that requires a minimum of 5 minutes of ironing can usually be beautifully creaseless within about 2 minutes thanks to a steamer.
3. It requires far less space. Ironing = ironing boards, and ironing boards = the need for unreasonable amounts of storage space you might not even have. Hiring a steamer on days you actually need it - say, once a week - means you not only save yourself precious storage space but also needn't worry about upgrading or maintaining broken down irons or ironing boards.
Sold? Thought you would be! Head over to Rentuu.com to find the most contemporary steamer for hire in London. Not only will Rentuu deliver it directly to your home (or rented accommodation), they will also collect it when you're done.
So no, you don't need to chuck your iron and ironing board out and rush out to buy a new steamer - you can just hire a steamer online instead... in a matter of minutes. Literally.
Looking dapper has basically never been easier.