The amount of waste damaging our planet is astounding. Not only are the statistics about the future of the world terrifying, but they also require us to act fast.
A major problem is that companies often don't really care about how their products end their life. They aren't responsible for chemicals, plastic and other damaging material ending up in the ocean, destroying the habitat of thousands of animals, and making their way into our food and drinking water (yes, really!). Such corporate irresponsibility is indeed discouraging, but really, it only means one thing: it is up to us to put the pressure on and take charge.
All that science talk can feel overwhelming to the average mere mortal and consumer, but there are two genuinely simple steps you can take to help alleviate the pain.
Reduce and reuse.
How do you go about reducing and reusing? It's so simple, you'll be kicking yourself for not doing it sooner!
1. Step one: reduce.
Reduce your consumption. The logic here is pretty easy to grasp: if there is less waste, there is less to recycle or reuse. If there is less waste, there will be less junk clogging up our planet and destroying precious life. If there is less waste, there will be fewer gasses from incinerating waste. Go for quality over quantity. It's easy to be tempted by the latest trends, flash sales and Black Fridays, but ask yourself two crucial questions before you make a purchase: "Do I genuinely need this?" and, if the answer is yes, "Is the quality of this product good enough to last?". If you absolutely must buy something new, make sure it is sourced from a quality company.
2. Step two: reuse.
Chances are you've got something at home you feel like you no longer have any use for. Perhaps its an old piece of furniture or an electronic device that has run its course. It's tempting to throw anything you feel like you no longer need out, but you'd be surprised at the many uses such items can have. Furniture can be re-purposed, and so can electronics. If your unwanted item is in a good condition, you can sell it on eBay or give it away for free on Freecycle. In fact, there are dozens of Freecycle alternatives, and you can very easily rid yourself of a lot of unwanted bits and pieces.
But what is the best way to both reduce AND reuse? Rentuu.com
What happens when you do need to use something - say, an air mattress or some weights, or perhaps even a stroller - but you don't want to be wasteful?
Rentuu.com was designed specifically with the smart, conscious consumer in mind. On its super easy and accessible platform, you can hire virtually anything online. Feel like you need to rent a coffee machine for a couple of days? Head to Rentuu.com. Perhaps, you have friends staying over and need to make sure your place is sparkling clean -- so you're looking to hire a hoover to clean up your house. Or maybe, you want to learn a new instrument but don't want to spend all that money on one - so you're looking to hire a keyboard for a couple of weeks.
Whatever your needs, Rentuu.com will have you covered.
And no need to worry about picking up the phone to book your product -- you can do everything online, and choose your delivery time frame for utmost convenience.
At the end of the day, you can be a conscious consumer without restricting your needs. You don't need to buy stuff to use stuff. Just use Rentuu.com.