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This is where we share our latest industry insghts, expert interviews, business updates, and general fun facts for both event organisers and suppliers. 

Event equipment hire just got easier!
    Event equipment hire has always been easy with Rentuu, but now it just got easier. Andrea Guzzoni and Dennis Helderman, co-founders of Rentuu, explains. For two years, Rentuu has worked with thousands of events professionals across Europe, providing an unrivalled service that allows event organisers to compare, book and monitor their event equipment hire requirements from reputable event suppliers. Our innovative technology platform has saved event organisers valuable time and money. Equally, it has helped event suppliers to boost their business with orders for events taking place across the UK and Europe. To be part of a vibrant, buoyant and creative sector is an absolute pleasure, but things are about to get even more exciting. Game-changing solution Rentuu is delighted to reveal that we are now part of the easy family of brands and easyHire powered by Rentuu technology, will launch early next year. In fact, delighted is an understatement because easyGroup and Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, founder of easyJet, have invested in Rentuu and are both shareholders. Such investment is game-changing. Rentuu is now associated with a consumer brand that is recognised by 98 per cent of the UK market and by 90 per cent in Europe. Naturally, such huge brand awareness catapults our business and gives us a strong competitive advantage in a busy events marketplace. Seamless digital customer experience So what does this investment mean? In early 2020, easyHire, powered by Rentuu technology, will enter the market, allowing events professionals to access event equipment hire in an easier and simpler way. In fact, we believe that easyHire will be the first European brand — dedicated to event equipment hire — that will offer a truly seamless digital customer experience with operational delivery across the continent. We already have more than 100 participating suppliers across 10 different countries from furniture to audio/visual signed up. But what does this mean for you and Rentuu? It means organisers will continue to source event equipment hire through us and we will continue to support event equipment hire businesses with the backing of an established, trusted and global brand. Brand values easyGroup’s brand values, which include great value, relentless innovation and an honest, open, caring and fun culture, mirror ours, and the amazing events sector in which we choose to work. And now that Rentuu is part of the easy family, we can build on those brand values, and capitalise on the value, power and respect that is associated with the easy brand. We believe that event equipment hire businesses will benefit greatly from this association. Building a multi-million pound brand is expensive and resource intensive so by collaborating with the easy family, everything becomes… well, easier. Business gets done quicker and in a more seamless fashion. Plus, let’s not forget the benefits of having access to an internationally recognised brand and partner network. Positive future We believe that being associated with the easy family is a hugely positive step with far-reaching advantages for both event organisers and event suppliers. In the coming weeks and months, there will be even more exciting announcements that we are certain will transform the event equipment hire sector. We want you to be part of this awesome and exhilarating journey too so watch out. It’s all about to get a little bit orange.

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Events are happy occasions, so why can organising an event be so stressful?
  Events are happy occasions, so why can organising an event be so stressful? This article discusses mental health in the events industry and offers tips for alleviating working pressures In 2016, a career as an event manager was listed as the fifth most stressful job. Three years later and many events professionals would argue that the life of an event manager hasn’t changed; being an event manager is a fun and rewarding career, yet it’s one that comes with significant pressures. On October 10, the globe will mark World Mental Health Day — it’s an opportunity for businesses to raise awareness and support mental health in the workplace. It’s a topic that has been on the radar within the events industry for some years and continues to be discussed and addressed by responsible event businesses that care about their employees’ health and wellbeing. Costing the economy In 2017, the UK Government published a disturbing report — Thriving at Work — which reported that poor mental health costs employers between £33 billion and £42 billion a year, with an annual cost to the UK economy of between £74 billion and £99 billion. Such alarming figures are backed by the Mental Health Foundation, which said that evidence suggests that more than 12 per cent of all sickness absence days in the UK can be attributed to mental health conditions. Just this month, Public Health England (PHE), in partnership with the NHS, launched Every Mind Matters to help people take simple steps to look after their mental health, improve their mental wellbeing and support others. That’s because a new PHE survey revealed that more than eight in ten (83 per cent) people have rather worryingly experienced early signs of poor mental health in the last 12 months. So, what can you do to manage mental health in your workplace and alleviate stress? Here are my tips: · Break tasks down into sizable chunks and give yourself credit when you finish them. · Turn to co-workers, friends and family for support. For example, when you take a break, instead of reaching for your phone, engage in conversation with colleagues. · Be more active — exercise releases endorphins, can help you to clear your thoughts and can release any emotional intensity. · Turn to tools and resources that can help you do your job more efficiently. · Make plans — create to-do lists and plan every aspect of your day. Learn to prioritise by distinguishing between the “shoulds” and the “musts”. Industry initiatives Interestingly, companies can now participate in Mental Health First Aid training — it’s training that the Production Services Association (PSA) has been encouraging its members to take part in. Yet, it’s not the only industry initiative. At PLASA this September, the industry event for live entertainment technology, visitors were asked to fill in a questionnaire that will provide a snapshot of mental health and mental health awareness within the backstage entertainment industry. Such drives within the sector build on the great work being undertaken by former industry professionals. In 2017, Laura Capell-Abra, ex-MD of Sledge, launched Stress Matters; a free industry-wide initiative that gives practical advice to companies to help them ease stress in the workplace. Furthermore, in 2018, POINT3 Wellbeing — formed by three former TRO employees — launched to help people understand the importance and benefits of movement and mindfulness. Get involved with #EventWell All of this positive messaging and insight will no doubt be a focus of #EventWell20, a wellbeing and mental health campaign run by EventWell, the event industry’s official resource and charitable social enterprise for wellbeing advice and support. It helps industry professionals by providing information that can be used to make mindful decisions that impact positively on wellbeing. Event Wellbeing Day will take place on February 26, 2020, coinciding with International Confex, and will be followed later in the year by Event Wellbeing Week (September 21–27, 2020). The events industry is invited to support the organisation’s initiatives and help steer the campaigns, which are being devised to help events professionals across the world. Events professionals are encouraged to stress less and this is particularly important, as the demands of the corporate event world continue to rise. Rentuu will be supporting the campaign. As a global business, with strong connections in Europe, we see the pressures that event organisers face on a daily basis. Therefore, we believe that it’s important that events professionals take good care of their mental health and be aware of the stresses and issues that can contribute to anxiety in the workplace. It’s one of the reasons why we developed our platform — it is designed to take the stress out of organising events. Our easy to use Request for Proposals Form enables organisers to reach out to event equipment hire specialists. We are, therefore, best placed to assist organisers with last minute enquiries, taking the strain out of event organising, sourcing equipment suppliers, so that you don’t have to.

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How can technology help your event hire business to gain a competitive advantage?
  How can technology help your business gain a competitive advantage? Fabrizio Della Pace, chief operating officer at Rentuu, the equipment hire specialist, talks technology, return on investment and business benefits. Recent research by the Events Industry Forum highlighted the value of outdoor events. It’s an industry that contributes more than £30 billion to the UK economy and is worth more than sectors such as forestry, fishing and agriculture. Prior to the study’s publication, outdoor events were described as “undervalued”. So, given such positive research findings, it’s important that event suppliers are ready to capitalise on the opportunities that lie within this huge and ever-growing sector. And that includes having event equipment in the right place, at the right time, and lots of it. Data is king Event-hire businesses must ensure that their portfolio is fully utilised and available so that deadlines can be met. And for businesses that are looking to grow, such a task can only be achieved if the right software solution and/or inventory management system is in place. An inventory management system — which allows a company to track orders and count the number of items in stock, for example — is the most commonly used piece of software by hire companies. Sophisticated inventory management software solutions also enable a company to track stock location and can even be integrated with sales systems, providing organisations with real-time data. And we all know that data is king. That’s why it’s important for business owners to have all the information they need at their fingertips. Because there’s a whole host of measures to worry about when running a business; and stock levels, quotations and delivery schedules should not be some of them. Instead, technology should be embraced so that suppliers can realise a competitive advantage and increase return on investment (ROI). For example, as well as basic inventory management, event-hire businesses can invest in technology that enables paperless billing, revenue management, RFID integration, real-time inventory availability, customer delivery scheduling, real-time delivery tracking and digital quotations. Plus, such software also allows companies to view client order history and to store key client details, ensuring comprehensive customer relationship management (CRM). In short, inventory management systems and sophisticated technology solutions are game-changers. Think of the bottomline Technology — specifically developed to aid event hire suppliers — generates cost savings and revenue opportunities because it enables an organisation to have a realistic view of how its team is performing. By identifying their most profitable customers, event hire suppliers can accelerate revenues; full revenue analysis provides a business with actionable data so that it can define strategy and areas of growth and even turn its attention to customers that will make a difference to the bottom line. Furthermore, it is vital that event-hire companies can access information quickly and efficiently so that their ability to provide quality customer service is not impacted negatively. Make informed decisions Event technology, such as detailed inventory management and CRM solutions, help a business to identify trends, which enable organisations to make informed decisions, influencing strategy and insight. Plus, with such software, you can set alerts, manage documentation and communicate with key team members and crew. Using dedicated technology negates the need for using a multitude of communication tools — such as spreadsheets and emails — which have the potential to cause mistakes that could impact badly on an event. No one wants that. What are you waiting for? The events industry prides itself on community and communication, bringing people together with spirit, passion, and dedication; the efficient and smooth delivery of event equipment is essential to that end game. So, if you haven’t already invested in technology to grow your business, what are you waiting for? You best tech to it!

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How powerful is your business brand?
  Being associated with a powerful brand can do wonders for your company. Andrea Guzzuni, co-founder of Rentuu, an event equipment hire platform, discusses strong brand values, trust and the positive effects of working with an established business. A respected brand name and identity are two of the most valuable assets a company can possess. In the eyes of customers, a strong brand is a measure of credibility and quality; it provides a comfort blanket for any procurement decision and peace of mind for a time-poor professional. This summer, Edelman’s Trust Barometer Special Report proved insightful — 81 per cent of the 16,000 people surveyed said that brand trust is a deal breaker and deciding factor when they’re considering a purchase: Followed by quality (85 per cent) and value (84 per cent). The statistics centre on a consumer’s intent to purchase a product, so imagine the level of trust required for a person looking to hire. For an organiser to put their trust in a business to deliver on time, and on budget, requires faith, particularly if they have not used a company before. Have a little faith Being associated with an established brand that is respected within its field is priceless; that’s because a brand can be a key differentiator. It’s why so many people choose to franchise a business. A franchisee has the legal right to use the name of an established business and many argue that franchises are more successful because they have the backing of the franchisor, and their skills and expertise. Consumers often don’t even realise that a business is franchised; they have faith in the brand name and that’s enough. Positivity and profits According to Natwest and the British Franchise Association (BFA), there are now almost 50,000 franchise businesses contributing more than £17 billion to the UK economy — and it’s a sector that supports more than 700,000 jobs. Such big figures are a positive read and shine favourably on the power of being associated with strong business brands. Franchisees receive training and on going support, you have access to a proven business system that has already been tested in the marketplace and there’s marketing support too — you will have the full backing of an established brand that wants you to succeed. So, when it comes to marketing and promotional campaigns, buying power, negotiating deals and accessing a huge network of skills and expertise, the franchisor will give you all the support and resources you require in order to achieve profitability, fast. Trust the brand There’s no denying the positive impact that can be achieved by working with an established brand, and one that has international scope. For starters, there’s the added benefits of having a long-term and experienced partner in your business — one that you can call on for advice — and it is easier to raise finance when you are associated with a tangible and recognised brand. Why? Because you’re asking for money to support an established business format and a proven idea that works. Plus, you get guidance from fellow franchises and that gives banks and financial institutions confidence. The events industry is bursting with interesting and successful businesses. For example, did you even know that HSS Hire and Speedy Hire, both respected equipment hire businesses that operate within the events industry, are franchised? No? But you trust the brand, right? Big plans and exciting times At Rentuu, we are working hard behind the scenes to create a business model that will enable users to benefit from strong brand values based on trust and accountability. We know that the events industry places great expectations on the business organisations and brands that it chooses to work with and more than any other sector, the events industry knows how important it is to build trust through communication. In the next few months, we will reveal exactly how we plan to work with you to build an even stronger consumer event hire market that will be an asset to any events professional. All we ask is that you watch this space.

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Brexit and The Events Industry
  What are your plans for Brexit? Fabrizio Della Pace, chief operating officer at Rentuu, the event equipment hire specialist, believes that thanks to technology and data, positives can be found in chaotic situations. As I write, there’s only one thing that the events industry does know about Brexit and that’s we still don’t know exactly what is going to happen on October 31. There are less than six weeks to go until the UK leaves the European Union (UN) and whilst the UK Government has published its assessment of the possible side effects of a no-deal Brexit on the UK — a document called Official Sensitive, which has been drawn up as part of Operation Yellowhammer — it remains for UK businesses to ready themselves and manage the fallout as best they can, should chaos ensue. But there is one vital thing that the events industry needs to remember — we’re leaving the EU, not Europe, and so our relationships with European businesses and organisations have never been so important. The Port of Dover has gone to great lengths to reassure UK companies that trade will flow freely and that the Dover Straits route will continue to be the most efficient way for trade between the UK, Ireland and Europe. A traffic management plan called Operation Brock has been put in place and to ensure more lorries are ready for customs, the Government has automatically enrolled thousands of companies into a new customs system. The Government hopes that such announcements will go some way to calm UK businesses that need to cross the Channel quickly and efficiently. So, what logistical contingencies do you have in place? If it is going to take longer to get event equipment into Europe then what are you going to do? It would be stupid of me to say that planning is key; that kind of statement is a no brainer. But I would be interested to hear exactly how event businesses have planned for what we are certain will be an uncertain few weeks and months. If you are a UK company delivering events in Europe, can you guarantee supply of kit? Or, are you lucky to have friends in Europe? Because now’s the time to add them to your Christmas card list. On the flipside, Cuckooz, a serviced apartment provider, did some research into how affordable London is as a result of weaker sterling. Basically, the Brexit-bashed pound means that the cost of business travel has tumbled for foreign visitors so it’s much, much cheaper for event organisers to bring European delegates over to the UK for an event or conference. For example, in June 2016, the average hotel room would have cost 183 Euro per night. Today a weaker pound means that this cost is just 166 Euro per night — that’s a 9.2 per cent saving, with prices dropping all the time. So whilst our EU departure has more drama than an episode of Coronation Street, delegates visiting the capital from EU member states will save on accommodation. The weak pound may encourage more European businesses to bring their business to the UK. So ask yourself this — are you in a position to capitalise on that? What could you be doing to make your business more attractive to European events professionals and is your little black book of event equipment suppliers full to bursting? Whilst I appreciate that now is an unsettling time to be in business, with a whole bunch of unknowns, partnerships are absolutely paramount and savvy events professionals will utilise all the tools and resources they can to be prepared. Rentuu has a global supplier network, which enables event suppliers to cross-hire kit and equipment from other local high-quality suppliers. Also, since July 2019, Rentuu has increased the number of European suppliers on its platform by more than 340 per cent. That’s because Rentuu serves the UK, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, and the Netherlands. It means that event organisers can fill in the free to use Request for Proposals form online, call on a European network of suppliers and organise an event knowing that their events are in safe hands. Deal or no-deal, I think that is a pretty cool tool to have at your disposal so I urge event organisers to try it now for free.

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