We don't need to tell you that events are risky business. One small mistake can easily lead to a series of disasters. You might be surprised to learn that some mistakes are in fact extremely common, and easily avoidable. So, whether you're part of an in-house team tasked with planning a staff party or have been outsourced as an event planning consultant, read on to find out about the most common event planning mistakes and how to avoid them.
Mistake #1: Poor communication
Miscommunication is often the result of a lack of attention to detail and tiredness (and boy do we know how tiring this event planning business is!). While bad communication is a common mistake, it is also one that can easily lead to disaster. It’s absolutely crucial that you communicate effectively with both your internal event team and your suppliers. While you don't want to micromanage everyone, you do need to know who does what and when to ensure that everyone involved knows what is expected of them and keeps to their assigned timetable.
Mistake #2: Forgetting to confirm with vendors
Your average event vendor serves multiple clients across several different categories. In short, this means they have a lot to remember. You always want to get a verbal or email confirmation from all vendors 48 hours before setup time. Email is typically better because you can spell out your expectations and ask them to reply in writing. Or, to avoid this scenario entirely, you can trust your event supplies to Rentuu: we offer real-time tracking and 24/7 support.
Mistake #3: Badly managing your on-site experience
An engaging experience is arguably the main ingredient for a successful corporate event. But if your on-site experience is lacking, your attendees will surely notice.
Most of the pitfalls corporate event planners experience on-site — from long lines to inadequate food and beverage options — can be easily avoided with a little bit of planning. The easiest way to avoid on-site disaster is to ensure you aren't understaffed, aiming to reduce queuing times, and preparing your team for the unexpected. You should also always ask for feedback after your event - thanks to online surveys, you can ask attendees to let you know what worked (or didn’t).
Mistake #4: Forgetting to contingency plan
No matter how hard you've worked on this event, there's good chance that at least some things will go wrong in the days and hours leading up to your event. This is absolutely normal and is to be expected. However, a professional event planner thinks ahead, identifies what could go wrong, and has a good contingency plan in place. What if your A/V vendor fails to provide the crucial equipment you need?What if your keynote speaker doesn't show up or arrives late? What if you run out of drinks? To avoid being thrown off on the spot, make sure you plan for all possible unpleasant scenarios.
Mistake #5: Relying on outdated technology
The final mistake common to corporate events is the use of outdated technology. How much time does your team spend juggling the neverending list of tasks associated with corporate event planning? Have you considered that you could reduce the time spent on various tasks by half, if not more?
Embracing modern technology can help your team stop doing repetitive tasks that don’t add value to you, your customers, or your organization. The time and money saved can be redirected into more important things, like hitting your company's targets.
You can save yourself hours' worth of stress by using Rentuu for your event equipment needs. If you're interested, please get in touch with our team.